About The Brand

Taking inspiration from the Japanese word "Akari", which means "light", Akarii is a brand new spiritual lifestyle brand from Hong Kong.

The foundation stones of the Akarii are built on three virtuous pillars, namely "Unite body, mind & spirit", "Mindful beauty & wellness" and "Home Kong".

Through Akarii's mindful beauty and wellness products, we hope to awaken the light inside us, whether it might be dull skin or on the darkness in life.

The three virtuous pillars of Akarii:

Unite body, mind & spirit

If you want to improve yourself mentally or spiritually, it's alway simportant to tune in with your body, mind and spirit altogether. 

Akarii's skincare and wellness products are here to help. Crafted with sustainably sourced raw maerials and manufacturing process, Akarii embraces the practices of mindful beauty. All our products are easy-to-use, honest and effective to suit your real needs. 

Mindful beauty & wellness

Akarii takes a holistic approach to skincare and wellness. What we offer is beyond only the products, but self-care rituals with the highlight on awareness. We encourage you to consciously know the products, mindfully feel them with all senses and be present in the moment. We also invite you to try mindfulness meditation together with the products to calm both the skin and mind to a greater extent.

Let go of the brooding, analysis and judgement over your skin and body, be gentle to yourself and the world, and your skin and body will answer back with kindness.

Home Kong

Speaking of Hong Kong, many of us are saddened by the fading aura of our city, especially when so many of us are moving away. As a local brand established in the post-COVID era, it means a lot to us to build something that matters in our hometown. 

To us, "local" shouldn't be just a gimmick, but the principle of brand development. As a matter of fact, the city is never short of locally made quality products. The effort in these "Made in Hong Kong" products are certainly in par with the sort of artisanal craftsmanship we so admire from foreign countries. This encourages us to work closely with the amazing Hong Kong's manufacturers to bring the concept of Akarii to life.

We are based in Hong Kong, and we are proud of the city.